Privacy Policy

If you order something, we need your information to ensure that we can deliver your order. But we always handle your personal data with care. We take care of them and keep them safe. We would like to explain here what we do with your personal data and why we need it. If you have any questions after reading our privacy policy, please feel free to contact our customer service.This privacy policy may change from time to time if new developments give reason to do so. The most current privacy policy can be found at We recommend that you consult this privacy policy regularly so that you are aware of these changes. You always see the last date of change here.This privacy policy was last modified on September 27, 2023.

JH Nature bv (Europefamile), located at Van Boshuizenstraat 12, 1083 BA Amsterdam, is responsible for the data processing described in this privacy policy.

本隐私政策适用于 Europefamile 处理的所有人(包括曾经与 Europefamile 有过接触的人,例如我们的访客、客户和业务联系人)在与 Europefamile 相关的所有域上的所有个人数据。

个人数据是所有可以追溯到您个人的数据。比如您的姓名、电话号码、地址或电子邮件地址。但您的 IP 地址或 Europefamile 客户编号等数据也是个人数据。还有其他专属于您的数据,例如您的 Europefamile 订单历史记录或浏览行为。

我们处理与 Europefamile 有直接或间接接触的所有人的个人数据,例如(商业)客户和合作伙伴的联系人。








当有人直接向您发送礼物时,我们会从该人那里收到您的姓名和地址详细信息。Europefamile 需要这些信息来交付订单。

企业客户还可以通过我们的礼品卡网站购买礼品卡。他们可以要求 Europefamile 将礼品卡直接发送给指定的收件人(由企业买家)。如果您是这些收件人之一,Europefamile 将从企业客户那里收到您的姓名和地址详细信息(如果礼品卡是通过邮寄发送的)或您的姓名和电子邮件地址(如果礼品卡是通过电子邮件发送的)。 Europefamile 需要此信息来交付订单。 Europefamile 将此数据最多存储三个月。




如果您输入了您的出生日期,我们将保存该信息,以便在您生日时给您发送惊喜。我们还可以使用您的出生日期,使 Europefamile 尽可能地与您相关。您可以在“最佳购物体验数据”标题下阅读更多相关信息。

我们还存储您在帐户中指定的偏好,即您的愿望清单、任何链接的 Europefamile 应用程序、语言偏好以及您的电子邮件和个性化偏好。

让客户的生活更轻松、更有趣是我们的客户承诺。因此,只要您是我们的活跃客户,我们就会将数据存储在您的帐户中。如果您 7 年内未登录我们,我们将删除您的所有数据。此外,您可以随时请求从您的帐户中删除您的数据。


您可以全天候联系客服。您可以致电、发送电子邮件或与我们聊天,也可以通过 Facebook 和 Twitter 等社交媒体向我们发送消息。当您致电我们的客户服务时,我们可以使用您客户帐户中的电话号码来识别您。这意味着我们的客户服务代表可以立即为您提供帮助。


我们客户服务团队的电话对话会被录音,用于培训和分析目的。我们有合法权益利用这些互动来改善我们的服务。我们会将电话对话保留 1 个月。

当您通过 Twitter 或 Facebook 向我们发送私人消息时,我们会将消息最多保留 6 个月。当您通过网站或 Europefamile 应用程序与我们聊天时,我们会将聊天消息存储最多 29 天。您可以在您的客户帐户中找到这 29 天内的整个聊天对话。



我们的商店包含超过 4700 万种商品。我们希望帮助您在所有这些文章中找到您想要的内容。

首先,我们确保我们的网站或应用程序正常运行,以便您能够以最佳方式购物。为此,当您访问 Europefamile 时,我们会收集您的 IP 地址、有关您的互联网浏览器的信息、任何语言设置以及有关您访问我们时所用计算机或移动设备的操作系统设置的信息。

为了推荐您的商品,我们使用一般客户行为和统计数据。如果您允许我们这样做,我们还可以根据您的个人偏好定制我们的商店(“您自己的 Europefamile”),使 Europefamile 尽可能地适合您。经您允许,我们还可以向您展示 Europefamile 内部和外部的更多相关广告,并向您发送个性化消息。下面我们将解释我们为这种个人体验使用哪些数据。


当您在 Europefamile 上查看文章时,您还会看到我们推荐的其他文章(例如在“进一步查看”或“其他也查看过”标题下)。这些建议基于您当前正在查看的文章或类别。根据统计,我们知道购买该商品的顾客也对其他商品感兴趣。这些建议不是针对个人的:每个查看该文章的人都会看到相同的建议。因此,即使您没有选择自己的 Europefamile,我们也会始终向您展示这些建议。如果您搜索特定的羽绒被套,每个人都会看到相同的相似的被套或床笠。或者我们会根据您的搜索查询向您显示其他用户搜索的内容。您还可以看到这种形式可以改善您在实体店的购物体验。例如,相同类型或属于在一起的项目通常被分组在一起。当其他顾客带着同样的问题来到商店时,销售人员也知道什么是流行的,以及其他顾客买了什么。


If you give us permission to do this, we can make the store even more personal for you. Just like in your favorite physical store. The store clerk knows you and can make good recommendations based on your previous purchases and interests. Just like that store clerk, we also make recommendations and adapt the store to your preferences. These personal recommendations are based on the interest profile that we compile for you, based on what you previously searched for or bought from us, what is on your wish list and what interests you showed by viewing certain items or categories in our store. More information about how we compile the interest profile can be found below under the heading “how we determine your interest profile”.

We do not use your data to show you different prices when you visit Europefamile than to other customers. It may happen that when you visit us again, we have now adjusted the price of some products and that prices differ between the Netherlands and Belgium. If you have opted for your own Europefamile, we will also show you advertisements on Europefamile that are tailored to your interests. For example, if we think you like sports, we will show advertisements that we think are relevant to athletes. If you do not choose your own Europefamile, you will still see advertisements, but these will be advertisements that may be less relevant to your interests. Information about how we use your data to display personal advertisements outside Europefamile can be found below under the heading “personalized advertisements outside Europefamile”.

If you no longer wish to have your own Europefamile, you can always  change or withdraw your consent . We will have entered your adjusted preferences into our systems within 24 hours.

Personalized messages

Via email and push notification
We regularly have offers, special promotions and news that we want to share with you. We are happy to share this via email or, if you use the Europefamile app, via push notifications.

If you have an account with us and have placed one or more orders, we will email you with personal recommendations. These are suggestions, information about our items & services based on your purchases and review requests. We will not do this if you have indicated that you do not want to receive these messages. To personalize these messages, we look at your order history and your search and clicking behavior on our website. We have a legitimate interest in this. We would like to give you good advice about a relevant product and encourage you to post a review. If you do not want this, you can always unsubscribe from ‘personal recommendations’.

If you register for this, we can also email you information about ‘actions and inspiration’ or send you push notifications about this. These include newsletters with the daily offer and general competitions, but also personal recommendations and information. With your permission, we make the content of these messages more relevant to you by basing the content on your purchases and visit history from up to 3 years ago. We also use your general customer information for this, such as your age or gender. If you prefer not to receive such messages or would like to adjust your preferences, you can change the settings directly here . You can disable push notifications via the settings menu in the Europefamile app or in your smartphone settings.

We can only send you messages with promotions and inspiration if you have opted for your own Europefamile. These personal messages are based on the interest profile that we have drawn up for you. You can always change or withdraw your choice for your own Europefamile  .

When communicating via e-mail and push notifications, we use technology that can tell us whether you read our messages and which hyperlinks you click on in those messages. We do this for analysis purposes, for example to determine whether an email is widely read or not. Only with your permission can we also use this information to make our communication to you more personal and therefore more relevant. You can always  withdraw this permission .

In our app: via in-app notifications
You can also receive notifications from us in the app itself. These are only general service messages, such as information about new functionalities in the app.

Personalized advertisements outside Europefamile

We, our advertising networks and media agencies (our ‘media partners’) can show you personal advertisements on websites outside Europefamile if you have given permission for this. The personalization is done based on the interest profiles we have for you. How we determine this interest profile can be found below under the heading “how we determine your interest profile”. You can find out who our media partners are at the bottom of this page in appendix 1.

We can recognize you outside Europefamile based on cookie techniques and the advertising number linked to the device you are surfing with, when you have given permission to use click and search behavior for personal advertisements outside Europefamile. If you have given permission for personal advertisements outside Europefamile based on orders and general customer information, we can also use an encrypted unique code based on an email address. In addition to the unique code, we share one or more segment names with the media partner in order to show you relevant advertisements from Europefamile or our advertisers outside Europefamile. Segment names are titles we give to groups of customers with similar interest profiles.

If you do not consent to personalized advertisements outside Europefamile, you will still see advertisements, including from Europefamile, but the advertisements will not be based on the data we have about you. If you have rejected tracking for the Europefamile app in the settings of your smartphone, you can only enable the personalization option based on click and search behavior if you have first turned tracking back on in your smartphone settings.

How we determine your interest profile

In order to personalize your own Europefamile, our messages and advertisements within and outside Europefamile, we must be able to determine your interests. We do this by combining various things we know about you and then classifying you into one or more areas of interest (for example sports). Of course only with your permission!

You can choose which data we may use to determine your interest profile: your surfing and search behavior based on cookies and/or your orders and general customer information.

If you have given us permission to personalize based on your surfing and search behavior, we collect this with cookie techniques and/or the unique number linked to the mobile device you are surfing with. You can read more about cookies in our cookie policy .

If you give us permission to personalize based on your orders and general customer information, we will merge your surfing and search behavior with your orders and the general customer information we have about you. By general customer information we mean the personal information in your account, such as your date of birth or place of residence, the date on which you created your account at Europefamile and your personal preferences (such as items on your wish list). To determine your interest profile, we look at what you previously searched for or bought from us, what is on your wish list and what interests you showed by viewing certain items or categories in our store. So we will not give you the book you just bought as a reading tip. Or we will show the content you are less interested in at the bottom of the website. We also give you recommendations on our website as to which products you might need again based on what you have previously purchased, for example toothpaste.

You can indicate your personal preferences with us in various places. Maybe you want to be kept informed about something or you want to put items on your wish list. You can always adjust or disable these preferences yourself.

When personalizing, we do not look back more than 3 years. If you are interested in products for children, we look back a maximum of 7 years so that we can make you the right offer at every stage your child is in. We keep the date on which you created an account until you are no longer a customer with us.

You can always manage which data we use for your interest profile by  changing your settings .

In your mailbox

In some cases you may receive a letter or package from us with which we want to show our appreciation for you as a customer. We are cautious about sending mail: you will only receive a letter or package in special cases. We can decide whether you will receive a letter or package based on your purchases and visit history or your customer contact with us or our sales partners. If you do not want to receive mail from us, you can object to this. See ‘What rights can you exercise with regard to your data?’.

We also publish The Big Toy Book every year. The Big Toy Book is intended to inspire children’s wish lists. The Big Toy Book is distributed by post to households in the Netherlands and Belgium. If you are not our customer, Europefamile relies on its legitimate interest to send you The Big Toy Book. This way we can inform you about our range and offer you a helping hand when choosing a gift for your child.

Address information obtained via JH Nature BV Europefamile will delete this address information within twelve months after receiving the information from JH Nature for the distribution of The Great Toy Book in the Netherlands and Belgium. More information about the processing of personal data by JH Nature can be found at  www.JH . Do you have questions about this? Email this to  compliance@JH .

The Big Toy Book App

To make The Big Toy Book an even more fun experience, we have created an app with extra information about toys. Using the app is anonymous unless one of your parents logs in. Anonymous means that we do not know that you are using the app. If one of your parents logs in to the app, we can know that.

In the app we ask for your first name, so that multiple children can use the same app. You can also indicate in the app which toys, brands and categories you like. We use what you like to customize the app for you. This way you more often see content such as videos and pictures that match the toys you like.

In the app you can add toys to your wish list. If one of your parents gives permission, we will email this wish list to the email address linked to the app. With permission, we can also send push messages to the phone with information about the app.

We keep track of how you use the app. For this purpose we place small text files on the phone called cookies. This way we can make the app even more fun.

We will delete or anonymize all your data that we collect with the app by March 1, 2024 at the latest. Anonymization means that we no longer know that it is your data. Would you like us to delete your data in the app sooner? Please contact our customer service. They can also help you if you want to view your data.

Data From NPS And Market Research

We are constantly working to improve our services and make them even better suited to what our customers, partners and suppliers want. That is why we can use your data (email address and for customers also Customer ID) to invite you for a non-binding NPS or market research. NPS is a method to measure satisfaction. We can also have these investigations carried out by third parties. In this way you help our store and services to become even better. Participation in an NPS or market survey is completely voluntary. You decide for yourself whether you want to participate in the research. The research indicates how long we keep your data linked to the results of the NPS or market research. We may share the results of the survey with a sales partner or one of our customer service providers. We will only do this if you have provided feedback in the survey about the contact you have had with one of these parties. This way they can also use your feedback to improve their services. Based on your feedback, they can contact you within 28 days to discuss your feedback.


We analyze information from customer and market research, competitions and click and purchasing behavior to gain insight into our customers and their use of our services. We also use segmentation data from JH Nature BV to enrich these insights. As a segmentation specialist, JH Nature provides predictions of the characteristics, interests and behaviors of all Dutch and Belgian households. We may use this data, among other things, for our brand positioning, to improve our services and to optimize our campaigns. We ensure that all our analyzes are reported only at an aggregated level. This means that the results cannot in any way be traced back to individual customers and are not used for personalized expressions. We do this based on our legitimate interest.

If you object to the fact that we combine your customer data with the JH Nature data, we will block your data for this purpose if you request us to do so. If you want more information about the JH Nature data, you can find it on the JH Nature website (www.JH Questions about JH Nature data can be sent to compliance@JH

Data For Reviews & Questions And Answers

We love reviews. And our customers too. Because reviews help you find what you are looking for. When you write a review, you choose whether your personal information or your name is visible to other visitors. You can also use an alias. You can also indicate whether we may contact you about your review.

Your review will automatically indicate whether or not you purchased the product at Europefamile. So that will be included in your review. With this we want to guarantee the transparency and reliability of the reviews on Europefamile and our customers can better value reviews. We can check whether you purchased the product at Europefamile using your order information.

It is also possible to write a review about a Europefamile business sales partner. If you have purchased something via Europefamile from a business sales partner, you will receive an email afterwards with the request to leave a review.

We only post reviews with your permission. Because reviews are valuable to customers for a long time, we keep a review until you ask us to delete the review or until we delete the review based on the review conditions.

Data For Competitions And Promotions

If you participate in a promotion or competition, we ask you for information, such as your name, address and/or email address. We need this to carry out the promotion and announce the prize winner(s). We collect this data with your permission. If you agree, we can also use the information you share with us in a promotion or competition for other purposes. In the relevant competition or promotion you can find out exactly what we use your data for and how long we keep this data.

Data To Prevent Fraud

No one wants security incidents and fraud, including us. That is why we use personal data to investigate, prevent and combat unauthorized access and fraud.

In case of suspicion of fraud or abuse, we will retain certain data. We do not store this data longer than necessary.


If you purchase items that you do not want to pay for immediately, we can check your creditworthiness. We can use external agencies for this. This is also stated in our  general terms and conditions (Article 5 paragraph 4) .

Social Media

If you use social media such as Facebook, you can use the ‘like and share’ buttons on Europefamile to share articles that you find fun, useful or useful with your friends on your social media account. Europefamile does not have access to your social media account. We recommend that you carefully read the privacy policy of the social media parties where you have an account so that you know how your data is used and how you can adjust your settings.

E-Books Security

Authors and publishers depend on the income from e-books. That is why we find illegal copying of e-books annoying. The e-books we sell are therefore provided with watermark protection. The watermark has visible and invisible features and provides the pages of the e-books with unique data. The watermark allows us to track who ordered the book.

Sales Partners

When you place an order via Europefamile with one of our sales partners, that sales partner will receive your name, delivery address and language preference. The sales partner needs this information to be able to execute the agreement that you have entered into with him. If this is necessary for delivery, for example to make a delivery appointment, the relevant sales partner will also receive your telephone number. If you contact the sales partner by telephone via our service, the sales partner can call you back within 30 days of the last contact. We do not share your real telephone number with the seller, but a scrambled telephone number.

If a sales partner has outsourced his logistics process to Europefamile, he will also receive your order number. With this number, the sales partner can correctly assess and process unsellable returned items and improve its services and offerings accordingly. A sales partner may have multiple sales accounts. In that case, the sales partner may share your data with its other sales accounts. For example, in our logistics process we can ship the products that you order from different accounts from the same seller in one package and send you one invoice.

If you request a VAT invoice from a sales partner from a business purchasing account, the seller will receive your company name, business address, Chamber of Commerce number and order number.

If you ask the sales partner a question via the contact form on Europefamile, the sales partner can call you within 30 days after completing the form to answer the question, if you have entered a telephone number. We do not share your real telephone number with the seller, but a scrambled telephone number. After you have contacted the sales partner, we may ask you how you experienced the contact.

When you ask our customer service a question about an order placed with a sales partner, we will forward your contact with customer service to the sales partner if we need the sales partner to answer your question. This information remains visible to the sales partner, so that the sales partner can check what agreements have been made with the customer.

Sales partners can initiate proactive customer contact up to 2 years after purchase to resolve a problem with your ordered item. For this purpose, they have insight into the product you ordered, the order number and your name for up to 2 years after purchase.

Digital Book Supplier Kobo

If you purchase an e-book or an audio book (“digital book”) from us and read or listen via Kobo (e-reader or app), we pass on your customer number and email address to Kobo. This allows you to find the digital book on your bookshelf. If you read your e-book on another e-reader (not Kobo) or via your computer, we will only pass on your customer number to Kobo so that you can read it as an e-book. We also inform Kobo in which country a digital book was purchased. Kobo uses this information to properly reimburse publishers. You can read how Kobo handles your personal data in the  Kobo Privacy Policy .

Game Or Software Download Provider

If you purchase a game or software download from us, we only pass on your customer number to the supplier, so that you can find the product in your account. When purchasing a game or software download, we also pass on the country you are in, derived from your IP address, to the supplier. This can then assess whether the download may be sold in the country of purchase.

Distribution And Logistics Partners

To process your order, we work with distribution partners such as Ingram Micro, Ceva Logistics and Centraal Boekhuis. These parties receive your customer number, order number, name and delivery address to ensure that they can process your package correctly.

We work with various logistics partners to deliver your order(s), such as PostNL, BPost, Budbee, Ampère and Dynalogic. Our logistics partners receive your contact details and delivery and billing address. They need this information to deliver your package to the address you chose, to keep you informed of the delivery time by e-mail, SMS or via an app and to give you the opportunity to request additional services from to use these logistics partners (such as a different delivery address). The logistics partner is involved as an independently responsible party in the execution of the agreement with you. For more information about the use of your data by the relevant logistics service provider, you can consult the privacy statement on the website of the delivery service.

Other Third Party Service Providers

We also engage other third party service providers to help with various things. Sometimes they also need personal data for this. We only share the data that is necessary for the assignment that the external service provider carries out for us. We do not sell your information to these service providers or other third parties. And we conclude agreements with all external service providers in which we agree what they may do with the data.

The types of work that our external service providers perform for us are:

  • supporting the provision of our digital services such as hosting, maintenance and support of our websites and applications;
  • supporting our customer service;
  • supporting our advertising and marketing campaigns;
  • supporting customer research and obtaining ratings and reviews;
  • supporting the personalization of our marketing messages and delivering an optimal shopping experience;
  • providing financial services, such as payment services, collection agencies and credit reference agencies;
  • supporting you in facilitating telephone contact between you and business sales partners;
  • supporting research and analysis to improve our services;
  • supporting compliance with legal obligations.


Sometimes we have to pass on personal data to the government. This may first occur if certain government institutions need this data to perform their tasks, such as the Tax Authorities. The police or justice department may also need certain information in the event of fraud or abuse. Finally, certain supervisors may gain access to personal data in the context of an investigation.

With Other Companies

If you wish, we also pass on your personal data to other companies, for example if one of our commercial partners has an offer for Europefamile customers. We will only do this with your express permission.

At the request of an insurer or an organization offering a cashback promotion, Europefamile invoices can be checked for authenticity. We can also check whether certain Europefamile products have been returned. We may share this invoice and product information at the request of an insurer or organization that offers a cashback promotion to prevent unlawful behavior, such as the use of forged Europefamile invoices.

We handle data from our business sales partners and suppliers with the same care as we handle the data of our customers. Therefore, this privacy policy also applies to our sales partners and suppliers.

When you sell via our platform as a business sales partner, we store not only the contact details you enter in your sales account (the name of your company, the name of the contact person of your company, e-mail address, your contact address (and any other addresses), payment details and your telephone number), also your Chamber of Commerce number and your VAT number. We can use your Chamber of Commerce number and VAT number for (market) research. We also use publicly available data about your company (such as data registered with the Chamber of Commerce). If you use the Seller API, we also store the name, email address and telephone number of the party that provides the connection. When you make changes to the content of an article, these changes, including your seller name on Europefamile, are visible to other sales partners, suppliers and Europefamile.

Europefamile has access to the data in the partner account to support the business sales partners.

If you are our contact person at a supplier, we store your contact details and keep track of which supplier you work for. We use this information to contact you about our collaboration and to send you service emails. If you have agreed to this, we will also send you commercial messages. We keep your data for the duration of our supplier relationship, unless you have your data deleted by sending an e-mail to our supplier service.

If you have requested the Quick scan via our website, we will use the information you have entered (the name of your company, the name of the contact person of your company and the e-mail address) to provide you with personal advice by e-mail. to send. If you have provided the telephone number, we will use it to inform you about sales via Europefamile. We store this data for 1 year so that we can assess whether you have ultimately become a business sales partner of Europefamile. If you have indicated that you wish to receive it, we will from time to time send potential sales partners additional information about selling via our platform via the email address provided. If you prefer not to receive this information, you can unsubscribe in the email. Unless you indicate that you want to continue receiving the emails after 1 year, we will delete your email address.

We store your data within the European Economic Area (“EEA”). However, it may happen that certain data we collect is transferred to or stored at a destination outside the EEA, for example because one of our external service providers is based there. When this is the case, we ensure that this is done in a safe and lawful manner. In such cases, Europefamile will take appropriate measures to ensure that your data is protected as best as possible, such as agreeing with the recipients on standard data protection provisions drawn up by the European Commission. If you have any questions about this, you can contact our Data Protection Officer. You can do this by emailing

Europefamile takes many measures to protect your personal data. Both in organizational and technical areas. We have a group of specialists who work daily to secure our systems and look for vulnerabilities. Through strict access control, we ensure that your personal data is only accessible to employees who need to work with it. In addition, at Europefamile we regularly have our security tested by external experts. Do we give your data to someone else? We then require that the other person handles your data as carefully as we do. If you feel that this is not happening, please let us know via our  customer service team .

Our services are not aimed at children. This means that the use of Europefamile by customers under the age of 18 is only permitted with the express permission of a parent or guardian. We do have The Big Toy Book app that was developed for children. The app aims to bring The Big Toy Book to life and give parents a helping hand during the holidays. Children cannot order products from us via this app.

The Big Toy Book App

To make The Big Toy Book an even more fun experience, we have created an app with extra information about toys. Using the app is anonymous unless one of your parents logs in. Anonymous means that we do not know that you are using the app. If one of your parents logs in to the app, we can know that.

In the app we ask for your first name, so that multiple children can use the same app. You can also indicate in the app which toys, brands and categories you like. We use what you like to customize the app for you. This way you more often see content such as videos and pictures that match the toys you like.

In the app you can add toys to your wish list. If one of your parents gives permission, we will email this wish list to the email address linked to the app. With permission, we can also send push messages to the phone with information about the app.

We keep track of how you use the app. For this purpose we place small text files on the phone called cookies. This way we can make the app even more fun.

We will delete or anonymize all your data that we collect with the app by March 1, 2024 at the latest. Anonymization means that we no longer know that it is your data. Would you like us to delete your data in the app sooner? Please contact our customer service. They can also help you if you want to view your data.

Right To Information

You have the right to an understandable and transparent explanation of how we handle your personal data and what rights you can exercise in that regard. In this privacy policy we have therefore explained in detail what data we collect from you and how we handle your data.

Right Of Access

You have the right to request access to the data we have available about you at any time. You can request this in your  account . We process requests within 30 days at the latest.

Right To Correction

You have the right to have your personal data corrected if it is incorrect or outdated and/or to have it supplemented if it is incomplete. You can do this 24/7 in your  account .

Right To Object

You have the right to object to the processing of your data if you do not agree with the way we process your personal data. This right applies to the data that we use for direct marketing. For example, you can indicate to our customer service that you no longer wish to receive mail from us. You can also ask us to no longer use your data for personalized recommendations on the website. You can arrange this yourself in your  account . In addition, this right also applies to other data that we use from you on the basis of our legitimate interest. For example, you can choose that we forget and continue to forget the data about your surfing and search behavior. You can also arrange this yourself in your  account . We process requests within 30 days at the latest.

Right To Data Portability

You have the right to receive data that you have given to us in the context of the agreement(s) you have concluded with us in a machine-readable format, so that you can store this data in a database of yours or of a third party. other party. This concerns your name, address and place of residence details and order history. We offer you the option to download this data in a machine-readable format in  your account .

Right To Restriction

You have the right to request restriction of the processing of your data. This means that we may keep your data but not use it. This right arises in a number of cases. If you believe this is the case, you can contact us via customer service.

Right To Be Forgotten/Request To Delete Account

You have the right to request us to delete all data we have about you. When you submit a request to delete your account, we will delete data that can be traced back to you, except for the data that we must or may keep by law.




您有权对我们处理您的数据的方式提出投诉。如果您有投诉,我们更愿意亲自与您解决。请联系我们的客户服务。但您也有权向我们的数据保护官提出投诉。您可以通过发送电子邮件至 进行投诉。最后,您有权就您的投诉联系荷兰数据保护局。




  • DPG – DPG 隐私门户 (
  • Alphabet/Google – 隐私政策 – 隐私和条款 – Google
  • Meta/Facebook/Instagram – Meta 隐私政策 – Meta 如何收集和使用用户数据 |隐私中心 ( 和数据政策 | Instagram 帮助中心
  • Microsoft – Microsoft 隐私声明 – Microsoft 隐私
  • Mediahuis 荷兰 – 隐私声明 Mediahuis 荷兰


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